суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

different type of dyslexia

My classmates and I have a hypothesis that the PI is not actually going to read the paper that she has asked us to write in point 11 font, single spaced.

On the flip side: malaria is turning out to be more interesting than I thought. Though that might be purely due to the fact that Iapos;m doing the section on genetics gene disruption and so itapos;s something that I actually know something about, hooray. (Also found out that most of my classmates are suffering from the same insecurities as I am -- namely that the speakers and some of the PIs make us feel incredibly stupid. Although this is not particularly reassuring in and of itself -- a class full of people who feel stupid never bodes well--it does make me feel better. Or at least less stupid.)�

Still 1 more page left. In pt 11. PIs are strange.�

ability leadership management nursing, different type of dyslexia, different type of ear piercing.

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