Thanks to the benificence of NPulsifer and Gisele, Rohanna and I were able to attend Fencon V, in Dallas (or at least one of the swarm of municipalities, each with their own unique [read: bizarre] liquor laws that make up the metroplex). Itapos;s a beautiful con, friends, with doors to match Anyone hankering for a fun time should check them out.
Sadly, I missed the LJ meetup Friday night because I was participating in the Liarapos;s Panel, where the Giant Breast moderator (Jay Lake) christened me Robert Silverberg upon my entrance (when Silverberg said Halloweapos;en was not "a holiday of my people" and mentioned that pumpkins were neither circumcised nor Kosher, a good chunk of the audience fell to actively debating both points). Other highlights included helping auctioneer the combined art/charity auction, attending a concert by Bland Lemon Denton, David Lee Anderson and "The Lemonades" (the incredibly lovely and talented Caroline Spector and a drummer playing a wooden box designed to sound like various drums [I didnapos;t catch his name, I was mesmerized by Caroline, as always]) and being on a "Read These Books" panel with Teddy Harvia and Scott Cupp. Each of us had a list of 10 books that would form (in our opinions) a good starting place for a reader new to sf/f. Out of 30 books, there was only one overlap (Scott and I both had Zelaznyapos;s Lord of Light). When I can find my list, Iapos;ll post it here.
Another highlight came when, after helping NPulsifer throw a Seattle bid party, I wandered down to the ApolloCon party, and had a great time chatting with folks. When the crowd dwindled down, and the hosts started packing up, I looked at my phone and discovered it was 5 a.m. I hadnapos;t done that in years. Felt great in the morning, too.
Again, I recommend FenCon to anyone looking for a great convention. With any luck, weapos;ll be back next year.
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