1. CFS now tells me they wonapos;t reimburse me for the clinic bill, and itapos;s my responsibility to pay it. This system is so fucked up that I canapos;t even begin to express it.
2. My father is getting married. Heapos;s been dating this chick for two years. This is the first time Iapos;ve heard about it. I spent most of that conversation going, holy shit," and "oh my GOD." Then I called my Mom and Jane and said the same things.
3. My mommy bought me a year subscription to Netflix. Wanna rec me some movies in the comments? Iapos;ve already put Due South, HIMYM, and Starsky Hutch in my queue. If any of you use that, add me as a friend. I donapos;t know how youapos;d do that, but if you know, um, yeah. Add me My username is jinnah.
4. Go Red Sox
ailene corlin, ailene kua, ailene ponce.
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