Every morning, they disappear into their little rooms to bathe. I donapos;t get why they need to get all wet, but thatapos;s fine, I guess everyone has their own individual bathing habits. But why, WHY do they need to shut the doors? It drives me CRAZY. And it seems like theyapos;re always all in there at the same time (there are three of them and only two rooms, so this shouldnapos;t work...??) so thereapos;s NOBODY to pet me or rub my cheeks and I try to wait patiently, but theyapos;re always in there FOREVER and I canapos;t stand it and even when I sit outside the door and yell, "PLEASE PET ME NOW I CANapos;T STAND WAIT ANY LONGER," they just IGNORE me. ARGH
On the bright side, I got to sleep with my human last night. Under the covers, curled right up against her chest. So warm So cozy And Stupid Cat left us alone all night, ha
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