I think that Iapos;m insane for even thinking about the possible things I could do with Jeremy - but wonapos;t. Iapos;m contemplating just throwing myself at him and seeing what happens. Then when he inevitably denies me everything I can play it off as a joke, right? Well maybe. Iapos;m going to try my very best to just be myself around him and see what happens. I think he had a lot of fun the first time we hung out and I canapos;t wait to make him dinner and try to seduce him into making out with me. Do I actually think this is possible? No but it will be fun to try it right? Maybe. Iapos;ll have to see. I think Iapos;m going to have to go confess it to Chris though. I need Chris to know. I need someone to know. FUCK. Iapos;m insane. I might just delete this later.
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